"I am special. I am also pretty and smart and all that other crap. I am no one's second choice. I want someone to share adventures with and I want to grow with someone. If this doesn't work out I will be fine but I really hope this goes somewhere. I have proper places for the current people and situations in my life and there is room for a relationship. I am willing to work for someone, but I will not tolerate being treated unfairly."
If you can't read that and have it be 99% true then you are not allowed to go on a date. I forbid it. If you can not imagine the person you are going on a date with saying this then you are not allowed to date that person. I am your father and you will do as I say.
"I would like to go on a date with you because I would like to go on a date with you. I am not bringing you into my life so that I can have stories to share. If I feel like talking about our experiences I will, stories will be told with respect for you and for me. I have told the gossips in my life to get their own life. I am not doing this to bring anyone else pleasure or pain. You are not an obligation. I am excited to see you and see where this goes."
Again if you can't say this about yourself or assume it about your prospective suitor then you should probably make it a solitaire night.

Oh and one more deal maker statement for you and your man "I do not have a blog"
Good luck out there ladies.