SLEEPY CRICKET does not live near me anymore due to his professional success and the failure of Michigan's economy. Economy. Everyone I hear say that word in real life is an idiot who does not know what an economy is. Usually they are trying to sell me something or make me do something. Like go back to school, "C Minus the economy is terrible so you should go back to school and be a ______ (insert their hope and dream in that blank).
Anyways. One bright side of SLEEPY CRICKET not living near me is that I can be more productive with my free time. See my youth is like a rapidly draining hourglass. I've wasted too much time, and while I don't consider my time with SLEEPY CRICKET and his crew wasted... it could be better used writing my state representative.
"Dear Representative Fulton Sheen,
We do not need people like SLEEPY CRICKET wasting our public resources. If you seen this goon drive then you should know that he does not utilize the city/state traffic lines or rules, he also has no respect for your position in government as he has not voted for you once. He might try to explain this away by not being registered in your district but he could have moved and changed his registration to Allegan County.
Good Riddance to Bad Rubish,
Your Good Friend C Minus"
See if SLEEPY CRICKET were still around I would be just be wasting the past 5 minutes on a holiday video instead of impacting my local leadership. Let us all take a moment to think of things that we can accomplish with the spare time that SLEEPY CRICKET has left us with his departure.
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