I slept through my post deadline.
Gotta think fast.
Uh................um..................ok, need to think faster.
Uh......um.......ok, better...
Uh, um, ok, got it!

That should buy me a few minutes. Plebians love cute kitty pictures. I mean, look at it. It must of had like crumbs on its paw...little kitty cookie crumbs...oh snap, stupid cat and your procrastination abilities.
Ok, I got Rock Band 3 yesterday and it looks awesome.
[+3 Recovery]
Thanks superflous stat tracker, but I haven't taken it out of the package yet.
[-2 Morality]
Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't want to mislead you, but I will break into C Mercuries place in a few minutes to play it.
[-1 Morality]
There we go. We can get Frosty's afterwards...
[+3 Morality]
[Received Item Friendship Bracelet]
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