It is now 2011 and the time for depression/reflection is over. I will now live blog the season 5 finale of Dexter that originally aired like a month ago. I have some how avoided spoilers and will do my best to protect you from them.
- Of course Dexter's family shows up just as he's chasing after the season 5 bad guy. (spoiler, its a man. because it's always a man, because women in Dexter only exist to annoy or be held captive or wind up dead).
- I think they recast Dexter's step son Cody. They haven't shown a clean shot of his face and his lines sound dubbed.
- So far it looks like Quinn is going to make it out of this season alive. I find this annoying because they only get Doakes 2 seasons and he was awesome and Quinn is terrible and equally antagonizing to Dexter.
- Stan Liddy.... I don't think they gave that guy a character as much as they gave him a dialect.
- I don't know how I feel about Julia Styles in this season. I really hope she doesn't die but I can't think of how they can keep her around and not change the show up.
- Now Quinn and Dexter are trying to cover up the same killing.... ugh Quinn is a terrible actor. He belongs on the Jersey shore not premium cable's guiltiest pleasure. And now he's asking for his lawyer upon the first sign of scrutiny.
- My favorite website (avclub.com) says that Dexter has the biggest discrepancy between how awesome the main character is and how terrible everyone else is on the show. I think the producers know this and actively work each season to make the supporting cast worse so that Michael C. Hall can get another Emmy nomination.
- Dexter just stole a random car not 20 steps away from the crime scene his department was working on. Glad that his family stopped caring about him 1 minute after the episode was done.
- The bad guy has been practicing his scary faces in the mirror. I can tell. He's now sniffing Julia Styles menacingly, HE JUST DID A JOKER STYLE LIPLICK!
- I do like Quinn's haircut this season, I wish I could have gotten closer to it my recent shearing. My recent haircut has given my face an ovalish shape which I do not like.
- Well Dexter just flipped that stolen car while talking to the ghost of his father. If we are cutting out cast members for season 6 we could start with him. I like him but there is just too much going on in this show with the internal monologues and him lying to everyone.
- Bad guy just kicked Dexter down the stairs. Awesome. Enjoy your torturing baddie, Dexter is going to use one of his plot convenient tricks to escape and kill you. 30 seconds later here is the escape! Stabbed through the foot and choked out.
- But please Dexter. Just kill him quickly and efficiently, it has been 5 seasons and you always cut it close.
- Just because bad guy is on the table doesn't mean his angry faces are stopping. And... he's dead. (SPOILER: DEXTER IS STILL ALIVE AND WILL BE BACK NEXT SEPTEMBER FOR ANOTHER THRILLING SEASON)
- Oh here come's Deb Morgan... maybe she's just gonna catch Lumen and then Lumen will be taken to prison. That would be a nice wrap up I guess. I hear that Deb died in the first Dexter book. One day I will get around to reading it.
- So close Deb... how are you going to screw it up? There are so many ways. Oh shoot you are going to let them get away aren't you? Glad they gave you such a meaty monologue even though you still have no idea how to act aside from talking loud and using the f-word.
- Quinn is wearing makeup by the way. Definitely lip gloss and mostly likely stuff around the eyes.
- As season 5 of Dexter rushes to a close I will end this blog with an equal speed and concern for the viewer.
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