Jun 28, 2011

Barry Pepper is the model of class and dignity

This guy is the man. I'm watching the Kennedy's mini-series that was deemed too hot for History Channel. People scoffed at the way the family was depicted but 4 episodes in it seems pretty much what I've read. Trying to make a narrative film about anyone's life has to be filled with lies and composites in order to make sense in a 2-8 hour narrative. The thing is well produced but filled with terribly showy performances. This isn't a drama killer per-say, aside from Katie Holmes as Jackie, a showy performance from a girl with little to show is kind of embarrassing.

Kennedy just assigned his "first negro to presidential protection detail." Yes we can America. Yes we can. Uh oh, old whitey's got a problem with it. Kennedy don't give a rip.

Ok back to Barry Pepper. He's playing Bobby Kennedy and has a ridiculous hair cut, but he is holding himself and his facial contortions with grace and dignity that is far more than this extended cable historical drama deserves. He's been in a lot of terrible movies and hasn't always been the best part, but he has done his job and earned his paycheck. I really noticed him in the 25th Hour, which was a scenery chewing performance in a scenery chewing movie (still awesome). But in most other roles he's been reasonably restrained. He played Roger Marris AND Dale Erndhart for crying out loud, and Barry is about the only guy who could make this bastard care about sports. No I haven't seen either of those movies but if they were on netflix I might skim them.

I just looked at IMDB and it turns out he played Tom Ripley in a movie, I must find it. Review forthcoming.

Jun 27, 2011


I've decided to take getting in shape to the next level.
It's a level that involves speaking in tongues, kicking invisible people, and lots of yelling.
You guessed it, I'm taking martial arts classes. Specifically TaeKwonDo.
TaeKwonDo is Korean for "the way of the hand and foot". It is a journey with yourself to find inner-peace, and to bring peace to other.
You also get to kick some serious ass!
The first ass I'm kicking is my own. It, and the rest of my body parts need to learn who's boss. I've been at is for three weeks and so far my collar bones have been the first to stand up and say "I want to be seen in the mirror!" It's nice to be able to feel them for a change.
On a good day after some serious stretching I can (for the first time) throttle my toes without bending my knee to show them whose boss.
I've always been sort of a martial arts geek. I enjoy cheesy Kung Fu movies and regard Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan as living legends. Because of this, while in class, doing kicks and kihaps (Korean for scream e.g. "Hiya!") even when I'm getting hurt (physically or emotionally) I may start to giggle at how cool it all is.
Besides all this, probably the best part about TaeKwondo is that the auto-correct really wants it to become "Wonderbra". No joke.
On a serious note, I've never been this flexible, this in shape, the regimen keeps me focused, and I'm really really enjoying it. I recommend martial arts to everyone! (Except the Swedes.)

Jun 22, 2011

An unformated live blog of "Get Over It" starring Ben Foster and Kirsten Dunst

C-Minus posted to Sleepy Cricket

Netflix News: Coolio is in "Get Over It" for about 2 seconds. Maybe there is a directors cut where he has a subplot.

Monday at 9:27pm · · ·

C-Minus Sisquo is in it as well.

Monday at 9:27pm ·

C-Minus So is the main girl Navii from Avatar

Monday at 9:28pm ·

C-Minus So is Tom Hank's child actor child.

Monday at 9:29pm ·

C-Minus So is a strobe light and every terrible film gimmick we've ever tried.

Monday at 9:30pm · · 1 person

C-Minus Kirsten Dunst and Meg Griffin! They are having i-don't-know-how-to-act off!

Monday at 9:33pm ·

C-Minus I just started the movie back up again. I'm 20% in.

about an hour ago ·

C-Minus Our hero is using the Big Red commercial theme song to audition for his high school musical. It's the first genuine smile i've had all movie.

58 minutes ago ·

C-Minus This is really high school musical without the musical stuff. The director s cramming as many extras in every frame as possible. And they are smiling and talking so passionately in the background. It's very distracting and very excellent.

56 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Martin Short is in this. He's playing his character as Martin Short, a bold choice to be sure.

55 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Oh and our man who joined the musical is conflicted with his basketball obligation.

55 minutes ago ·

C-Minus The PG-13 level swearing is really empowering the students in the movie to use low level curses as punctuation marks and replacements for jokes and original thoughts.

53 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Main character was just urinated on by a horse in a dream sequence.

52 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Sisquo just said his first line! it's 35 minutes in and Sisquo is secondary bff

52 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Sisqo is using a nasally voice yours to cover up his beautiful high pitch falsetto, also yours.

51 minutes ago ·

C-Minus The movie is gonna pair up sisqo and jackie from that 70's show.

47 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Bobby Knight-reference.

45 minutes ago ·

C-Minus The two leads just romantically played ABC on the piano together.

43 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Oh Carmen Electra cameo... they must have been having hot meals in the catering truck to secure her talents.

41 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Characters dad is played by Stan Sitwell from Arrested Development.

40 minutes ago ·

C-Minus If you are writing a script where a nunchuck is used for comedic affect, I would suggest deleting the entire script.

38 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Main character's name is Burt Landers.

38 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Burt Landers.

38 minutes ago ·

C-Minus less than 5 minutes after character jokingly taken out by nunchuck, character is jokingly taken out by crossbow.

36 minutes ago ·

C-Minus It's a very montagey movie. Tommy Wiseau took note.

35 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Sisqo is stepping up to be a dancer. And Mary Jane Parker is going to sneak one of her original songs into the performance.... so intense.

20 minutes ago ·

C-Minus pretty sure sisqo used one of the routines from an old dru hill video in this movie.

16 minutes ago ·

C-Minus colin hanks wins for best "get a load of this movie" reaction shots in the movie.

15 minutes ago ·

Sleepy Cricket Oh Mylanta! This is great. We already have Michael Bay signed up for this. And if he asks, we have $300 million in Danish securities...

9 minutes ago ·

C-Minus Play was great success despite the cast rewriting it on the spot. ENDING WITH SISQO COVER OF "SEPTEMBER!" This has been "Get Over It" I have been your host C- Minus. Have a good night everyone!

Jun 20, 2011

I'd like the NOOK COLOR better if I knew how to read.

Purchased a Nook Color a couple days ago, it was a refurb but even at retail it seems like the cheapest tablet computer thats gonna be around for a while. No I haven't rooted it yet to make it completely open. But even locked down it has a web browser that runs flash and a horribly crippled app store. I think it even plays books. Reads books. Allows me to look at words.

And look at books I have. Look at book. And that book is 5 Chapters in and No Stories about the Sex Tape Yet. Actually Rob Lowe is my guy, especially after Parks and Rec, and the sex tape.

Anyways. Battery life is good, touch screen is meh but its going k so far. Wish it had some of the stuff that a real tablet would have but I paid 1/3 the price for it so I'll give it a pass.

Jun 19, 2011

A new franchise

So I had this idea for a movie franchise, probably gonna start off with a trilogy budgeted at 175 million each before prints and advertising. Gonna be this cocky but good guy who gets this power at the same time this evil guy gets power. They gotta fight but for the good guy to win he has to lose his cockiness, not the cockiness that comes from his character traits or jokes but the cockiness that we made up as a debilitating factor. With the help of his love interest and experienced associate he becomes a true hero and saves the day. He enjoys one chaste kiss with love interest before running off for unseen adventures.




Movie fades from credits to experienced associate. Experienced associate has decided to become evil in the sequel and reveals himself to be the true bad guy and that first nemesis was just some foot soldier or something.

END CREDITS of crew. By crew I mean union personnel. Everyone else has had their name scrubbed off of this thing.

Movie fades from crew credits to reveal previously unseen/heard of supervisor for good guys. Supervisor asks our hero to join this band of good guys for future adventures.

END CREDITS of 14 special effects companies that were rushed into working on top of one another to meet the release date that was set for the movie before the movie was ever put into production.

Movie fades from special effect credits to reveal a spin off character that will be having his own origin story next summer.

END CREDITS of state governments that paid for this movie with tax credits and upfront bonuses for having an important media conglomerate choose their area to construct a green screen and have actors pretend to fight tennis balls.

Movie fades from government sponsorship credits to reveal that the producers of this movie have learned a lot since this movie was released 2 days ago and promise to take the character in "darker" directions for the sequel that will happen if international grosses cover the domestic shortfall.

END CREDITS of 3D effects companies and a message about returning the disposable 3D glasses you paid an extra 2.50 for.

Please see the concession stand out in the lobby for gift certificates and foodstuffs.

3D and lobby messages interrupted to make one last reference to a previous film/media product that this current movie was supposed to be rebooting.

Jun 13, 2011

I think the super book is my equivalent to the one ring

With that being said I didn't actually read or pay attention to much of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. I've never been a fantasy person. But the power of the super book consumes me. I think a nice documentary idea would be called "Super Book" where someone buys a super book in march and has to use every single coupon before the book expires the next year. I think it would have some adventures in it, actually multiple adventures because there is about 3 of every coupon.

There is a commercial on TV right now for Taco Bell in response to the lawsuit about saying their food contains meat instead of meat-product. I was indifferent to the issue, but wish post Taco Bell I would be able to have a healthy poop, instead of have an explosive and poorly timed poop-product.

Jun 12, 2011

A casual survey of people who think this guy is a jerk.

Isn't this guy a jerk? He's a jerk isn't he!?! I'm gonna go down the line of everyone in attendance and get your confirmation that you think this guy is a jerk, because I really don't have enough experience with the person to call them a jerk but I want to call this person a jerk loudly and proudly.

Jerk. Jerk. Jerk. eh....

What do you mean you don't like this conversation? I'm just trying to say that this person that I don't really know is a jerk and has done nothing but jerky things with all of his jerky friends. And I'm just trying to say this with the support and backing from my handpicked group of supporters. Maybe if you don't think this guy is a jerk you should just leave. Maybe you should join this jerk in the jerk store, because they just called and they are fresh out of you.

Jun 5, 2011


Funny name, serious workout.
It's a rhythm-based exercise game in which you use one or both Wii remotes to do dances, and martial arts while following along with trainer. Sounds pretty cheesy and a lot like most other kiddie Wii games, but gets inside tents. Now thats intense. You even have a music note acciuntabilibuddy who encourages you when you do well or work out in consecutive days. When you miss too many days though he does get a nasty side, and threatens suicide due to abandonment.
I really enjoy it, especially the boxercizing and karate modes. and for 20 bucks it's well worth it. You do have to try and actually be into it, however. I even put wrist weighs on sometimes to really ramp it up.
Buy it.

Oh, and here's a linky to a vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1jYpqq8n48