Sep 29, 2011

My Food Based Cover Version of the hit movie Splice.

I don't know if I posted this yet, found it in my documents folder from 2 summers ago.



Scene 1: Creature is Born

1: (peering in microwave) Its not gonna make it

2: it's gonna make it

(Microwave dings)

1: extracting

2: it's... Beautiful

1: it's losing zest, condiment counter!

3: coming (with tray of condiments)

2: easy we don't know how this hybrid will react to standard spices

1: I'm not going to just sit here and watch it get stale. Ranch dressing.

3: ranch dressing (handing over ranch dressing in a professional manner)

2: why ranch dressing?

1: because ranch goes with everything. Are you gonna second guess my prep work or are we gonna save this thing?

3: it's starting to bubble and steam!

1: that means it's working! I think we might just be able to make a meal out of this yet.

(takes meal from plate to styrofoam container showing food for first time)

3: I think we’ve gone too far


3: so what do we do now?

1: now we wait. (shuts styrofoam container to reveal "SLICE")

Things get presented, go wrong, Creature gets moved

(conference room)

Manager: You two need to tell me what you’re presenting before we go in there.

1: That’s not how we cook manager, you know that!

Manager: Listen you guys are the best, you know it. I know it. The food business is a business.

2: We are the best because we don’t see it as a business. We see it as an art form.

Manager: An artform that needs to be funded to continue to operate… listen just tell me what we are selling here (interrupted by CEO coming in)

(manager stands to greet, 1+2 stay seated)

CEO: Sit. (manager sits) Good boy. (takes seat at table) What do we got.

1: We have the future of food.

2: Whats your top two favorite drunk foods.

CEO: Excuse me..

Manager: Guys… they are just joking.

2: Two favorite foods to eat when you are drunk, what are they?

CEO: I went to business school in…

1: And when you used to binge drink at business schoool what did you want to eat?

CEO: … I don’t like where this is going but it would have to be either pizza rolls or a hot pocket.

2: and what if we said you no longer have to choose?

CEO: I … tell me more.

1: (brings out Styrofoam container and opens it) This is doof. A hybrid food which is a cross between hot pocket/pizza rolls and other elements that are still being tested.

CEO: It looks delicious, but so much saturated fat. …. I fear you may have gone too far with this creation.


Manager: what they mean is…

1: Shove it manager here’s what we mean… we are making this food product, you can either shut us down or get on board. (shuts Styrofoam container revealing the title slice)

(cut to outside conference room, 1+2 waiting outside)

Manager: Well pack up your snacks because they just shut down our food science lab

1: What?! After everything we’ve done for the food business?

2: Forget her and forget this food business, there’s a million other food businesses who would want to go into the food business with us.

1: We could move the food hybrid into my parents old food test lab.

2: But you have issues with your parents!

1: In the name of food science I will face those issues

(moving into second kitchen)

(1 setting random stuff down, 2 opening Styrofoam slice container to gaze lovingly at food hybrid)

1: (joining 2 in looking at the food product) How long are we going to see this through?

2: All the way. (1 puts 2 in his arms) You thinking what I’m thinking?

1: It’s been a long time. (closes Styrofoam container and turns around in 2’s arms to face him)

2: Too long (faces get closer as if to kiss but look off to the left to see fast food bag)

(switching from sensual voice to excited child like voice) AW YOU GOT TACO BELL?! AWESOME!

(montage of increasingly close zoomed in the creepier looking shots of 1 and 2 eating, during this Styrofoam container containing hybrid opens and camera pans to show hybrid watching 1 and 2)

(1 or 2 thinks they see the hybrid getting closer but they are too into eating to do anything about it, finally they get startled and hybrid is back in it’s box)

(fade to black)

Remaining plot points to hit:

-Scientist get too attached to creature, decide to kill it

-Creature kills one, gets devoured by other

-Food Baby, setup for sequel

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