8:05-8:11 Our actress was adamant about using a line about rotting eggs, I did her a favor and cut it.
8:11-8:43 And I give the people what they want by spontaneously appearing in the movie. I don't know if I prompted anyone the first time I threw myself into it but they were dying out there. Doubt I helped but gave our actor a reason to leave our actress alone and rejected for the last time.
I like how our actors idea of improv is "yeah." It was a long shoot and I think we were all eager to get home. An alternate ending was that MY GIRLFRIEND and dog arrived during one of the takes of him leaving, it was so awkward that I really wanted to use it, but she is afraid of being on camera (probably a vampire) and I didn't feel like having a fight over this dumb movie.
And that is that with Dateable, as of 10/25 @ 9:48 we have 1010 views... a shockingly high number for a 10 minute movie with one location and no nudity. I will now try to forget this video ever existed and move on to the next one. I sincerely appreciate everyone who was involved with this; in presence or in spirit. I apologize if I was harsh on your filming, acting, or personality; but this was a long video and I ran out of things to type about.