My computer went through my other pictures and guessed what other ones had my people in it. While the results were laughably 50% accurate on person and gender, I imagine Google and Facebook have this thing down to a science. I'm usually not one to care about surrendering my rights and privacy to the machine, but for some reason my computer seeking out my 3 year old nephew without consent is scary.
It not only went through my pictures but my videos as well. I think to protect myself I am going to make sure that every picture I take is blurry beyond recognition of human or machine. Maybe I will do one better and return the camera (I think it might actually suck anyway) and just invest the money in stickynotes which I would use to draw pictures of the memories (cleavage) that I want documentation of.
Ok I'm done. Have you noticed I don't update as often? It's because I have lost my creative drive. Enjoy these poorly planned scraps while I'm still able to poop them out.
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