May 15, 2011

in this post I fix the secondary education system

I'm in a mood and dreading work tomorrow so let's pull this post out of my noggin. You may have heard this in real life or I may have just glared the plan in your direction.

Without further ado.

How to fix the public education system.

The five day school week is now cut down to four days a week per student. If you really need the time to "teach" (you don't) you can tack another hour on the top keeping the punks off the street till 4. The days will rotate by grade or student specialization (more on that later).

Ok so the kids and select teachers have the day off. But they don't. Day 5 of each week is "co-op day" where they either have an out of school project or a job. This job could be something to help with future college/career goals if the student is motivated or special, or it could be a public works project if the student is normal-below average.

The work projects would be menial labor/tasks and be managed by our newly freed up teachers. It could be anything from cleaning up public campgrounds and parks or working in the school lunch room. This would show the students and more importantly teachers what its like to work a day a week and prepare them to do a real job once they hit adult hood.

Works projects would get a grade and a letter of recommendation at the end of the semester. Both could be used to help secure post school opportunities. They could also use these as spring boards for actual summer employment for teachers and students. During the school year student's would get some minimum-wage or sub minimum wage stipend placed into an education trust.

So far we have reduced the amount of students in each school/classroom. Either gained some work or cut some staff of public employees. And finally taught everyone in the public education system what a real job is. Maybe we have even opened up some new career options for students.

My plan may sound disrespectful to teachers. That's mainly because I don't really have much respect for teachers. The education system is insulated from the real world. This plan would help breakdown the soap box that teachers and school administrators are standing on.

That's my idea. I think it would work. Saving jobs and giving some real world education for a change.

Ok I'm done, feel free to throw a fit about how I hate children.


  1. You should probably learn proper grammar before you try to fix the education system.

  2. You should probably pay me a dollar before you try to fix this blog.
