Mar 12, 2011

Sugar Sugar

So, I'm not eating processed sugar (nor artificial sweeteners) right now (at least, ideally) and there a number of things I've noticed about it so far.

~Everything else tastes WAY better! Did you know carrots have a juicy sweetness that goes unnoticed when in the shadow of ice cream?

~Naturally sweet things like fruits are plenty sweet now for even my biggest cravings. I'll be thinking "I want some candy..." then eat a few grapes and be all "this IS candy!"

~A general feeling of more energy. (although I've also taken on a new vitamin regimen, so these are very non-scientific data)

~Severe drop in morning breath stankyness. I woke up this morning and noticed my mouth tasting far less bad then it normally does.

~Bizzarly food-centered dreams. In a dream I had last night I had inherted a candy and soda-fountain shoppe. I can vividly remember filling my cup full of bubbly purple pop so full of sugar it a bit grainy to swallow. And being VERY excited about it.

I am sad to report, however, that today my mouth was retrained open, a and chocolate chip cookie was forced in to my mouth which I was then required under serious blackmail that I chew, swallow, and enjoy. Back on the wagon tomorrow, though!

Weight-loss Check-in! (And you all thought I wussed out!)
Just hit the 25 pound mark! Some might say "That's a quarter of a hundred!" But I have two things to say to them: 1.) Stop stating the obvious! 2.) Stop expecting more and be happy with the work so far. I haven't felt this good in years, (maybe ever) and I am very happy that I was able to enjoy all 450+ stairs of my cave tour last week as much as I did. I did not think the entire time how much better at it I would be if I was half way to a 100lbs, becuase that would self-defeating. And self-defeatment is C Minus' job.

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