Feb 9, 2011

Taking advantage of a terrible thing

I am not normally one to take advantage of anything. Unless it makes and/or saves me money.
One thing I just took major advantage of was my 2010 taxes.
This was my first year that my parents couldn't claim me as a dependent (which they did regardless of how much I actually depended on them) so this was my first real journey to the center of the Earth.
It took me like all day, and I hated it. Except for when my total refund increased.
They say every little bit helps, I must say that's true. For me it help me up to a decent sum of to-be-direct-deposited mula.
Man, I can't for for these 8-14 days to be over with.
What will I do with the new capital, you ask? Shopping spree? Bath in one-dollar bills? Get a mani-pedi?
Nah, I'll probably just save it. And maybe invest it in something. I'm s natural saver and nothing gets me giddier then sticking to a conservative budget with all bill being promptly paid, student loans being overly paid down, and watching the savings account stagger it's way upward.
I also enjoy working on my nestegg, but I'll save the stock market/IRA-type post for another day.

In conclusion, really try to stick it to Uncle Sam this year. Don't forget all those work-related expenses, business lunches, using your car for work-related purposes, that Energy-Star appliance you bought, the interest on your loans, charitable donations, and that blind Nicaraguan child you send comic books to each month. Oh, and remember, pets and stuffed animals that sleep in your bed are dependents, no matter what your neighbor might say.

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