But I am not a fan of Mondays, at least not in my current job/life situation. Here are some reasons why:
1. I will most likely not be getting a nap/decent amount of sleep.
As I type this I am setting the alarm on my phone for 5:00 AM. Will I actually get up at that time? Probably not. Will I curse my maker for rousing me at this hour? Without question.
2. I will attempt to have slimfast for Breakfast and Lunch.
I am becoming a fatty again. My body hasn't reacted yet but I can tell it in my face. The face is the first to react to me becoming fat and the rest of me is soon to follow. I went back on slimfast a couple weeks ago to moderate success. I usually do not follow the plan on the weekends. I have also canceled my YMCA membership so I am not currently physcially active either. I'm hoping that next time I see SLEEPY CRICKET he will have 300-Style Abs and that will motivate me to start doing things again.
3. I do not like my job.
There is nothing to look forward to during the work week aside from others screwing up more than I do.
4. I do not get paid this week.
If there is not a 1st or 15th in a workweek then my willingness to actually work is greatly diminished.
5. I did something meaningful last weekend and did nothing this weekend.
I have lost any momentum I thought I had.
6. It was a rough Sunday School and it was my fault.
We had a meeting before hand which made me crappy frazzled instead of fun frazzled. I also think about people not only get paid to do what I do but also (DELETED)
7. There was a sporting event on Sunday night.
If there is one thing I hate more than overhearing weather talk it is sports talk. And there's gonna be a lot of sports talk on Monday.
8. I don't have many creative projects to look forward to in the near future.
As I mentioned in a previous post, I have given up on "Dateable" and cannot think of any other ideas. I have a lot of unpaid ASSIGNMENTS, but those crush my soul instead of set it free.
9. I just looked at a guest list for something I'm going to and it has gotten worse.
More people I am going to have to perform for in order to lessen the awkwardness. By perform I mean act like an idiot around so that they don't try to challenge or talk to me. It's just easier doing that then dealing with them on a person to person basis.
10. I still have to make my bed tonight.
I hate making my bed, I don't even know if the mattress pad is dry.
And yet I will continue the grind. One good thing is that I am saving money, and I did apply for a job yesterday so that should be a fun rejection letter to read sometime next week.
What happened to complaining about others complaining about their jobs?
ReplyDeleteJust to spite you I'm going to (actually) post a posty post about how exciting my career is.
Only 2/10 are directly about work.