5 Notable things about "Love and Other Drugs"

Everytime Anne Hathaway acts, she has to show a boob. I'm going to assume it is not acting for a woman to act like she is attracted to Jake Gylenhal. I don't actually think I would be acting if I pretended to be attracted to Jake Gylenhal, because it wouldn't be pretending. But in the movie Anne Hathaway has an illness that rears its head whenever it is neccessary to move the movie forward or hold it back. In those scenes there is crying or screaming or shaking body parts. But for each scene that is sent for consideration for an academy award, the movie gives us a scene of equivelent length of Anne Hathaway's boob doing something. When her character is just doing one thing like trying to open a medicine bottle, we will just be treated to one boob. But if she is doing two things like making a joke and acting coy, we will soon be exposed to both boobs.
"Love and Other Drugs"= 40% Anne Hathaway Acting+ 40% Anne Hathaway Boobs+ 20% Jake Gylenhal trying to learn how to act or see boobs.
"Love and Other Drugs" is every single movie. What kind of movie do you want to see tonight? Well before you answer "Love and Other Drugs" will try to be that movie for 15 minutes before giving up and moving on to the next genre.
The following things happen in the movie:
Cocky guy becomes responsible (Coming of age story)
Scientist play God and try to create a hybrid animal (SPLICE)
Fat actor says things loudly (Jack Black movie)
Overly long sex scenes (The Room)
Cocky guy tries to start a real relationship with manic pixie dream girl (Garden State)
Cocky guy tries to sell stuff or win something (competitive movie)
Girl is sick (Love story)
Bitter Doctor keeps it real (that one... every episode of house)
Serial killer puts people in traps that test their willingness to live (Saw 1-8)
Dinosaurs cloned through bugs caught in tree sap (Jurrassic Park)
And that is far from all that "Love and Other Drugs" tries to be.
"Love and Other Drugs" has viagra jokes. See it's funny because the drug affects your penis (unless you are a woman, then it has no affect on your penis).
"Love and Other Drugs" almost made me lose my wallet. I feel like movie seats are made so that crap falls on the ground.
"Love and Other Drugs" has a twist ending. Turns out she was already dead and he was talking to her ghost the entire time.
Despite its many flaws its a watchable but totally misguided movie. I also pray that the character playing the fat brother character never acts again.
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