Nov 12, 2011
Dear Wendys
I went to the Sprinkle Rd, Wendy's and feel like I should tell you about my experiences. I pulled into the drive thru, there wasn't anyone else in line so i figured this would be an easy order. Despite being the only person in line I was told to wait, after 2-3 minutes I asked if they were ready for my order. I was told to wait one more minute then with a sigh they took my order which I repeated twice (#1 combo with a diet Pepsi, large chocolate frosty and an additional medium fry).
As I pulled into the order window I was given my drink and frosty and told to have a nice day. I reminded them that I was waiting on food. A bag containing my sandiwhich came out and I was told to have a nice day. I checked the bag seeing only my sandiwhich and mentioned I was waiting on fries (from the combo and the additional medium). I was told to pull in front which I did. After 2-3 minutes of waiting I went in the restaurant, was explained that fries took time (no one was line), I was hastily given a single container of fries and told to have a nice day. Trying to keep my composure I mentioned that I purchased two, I was told in an angry tone that they knew what I ordered and it was given. At that point it was either loose My temper over fries or leave with unresolved anger about my experiences at your restaurant.
I left angry but feel I am not the only who is upset about Wendy's service. As a corrective action I believe that this location could use a follow up on the standard work that is involved operating a restaurant.
Please do not hesitate to contact me f you have any additional questions or feedback about this complaint.
Nov 8, 2011
Titus, an award winning short film
Oct 25, 2011
Oct 23, 2011
Dateable explanation 5:37-7:59
Oct 19, 2011
Dateable 3:06-5:37 Analysis
Oct 18, 2011
Analysis of minute 1 through 3 of Dateable.
Oct 9, 2011
Analysis of the first minute of Dateable.
Oct 4, 2011
Transcription test!
Sep 29, 2011
My Food Based Cover Version of the hit movie Splice.
Scene 1: Creature is Born
1: (peering in microwave) Its not gonna make it
2: it's gonna make it
(Microwave dings)
1: extracting
2: it's... Beautiful
1: it's losing zest, condiment counter!
3: coming (with tray of condiments)
2: easy we don't know how this hybrid will react to standard spices
1: I'm not going to just sit here and watch it get stale. Ranch dressing.
3: ranch dressing (handing over ranch dressing in a professional manner)
2: why ranch dressing?
1: because ranch goes with everything. Are you gonna second guess my prep work or are we gonna save this thing?
3: it's starting to bubble and steam!
1: that means it's working! I think we might just be able to make a meal out of this yet.
(takes meal from plate to styrofoam container showing food for first time)
3: I think we’ve gone too far
3: so what do we do now?
1: now we wait. (shuts styrofoam container to reveal "SLICE")
Things get presented, go wrong, Creature gets moved
(conference room)
Manager: You two need to tell me what you’re presenting before we go in there.
1: That’s not how we cook manager, you know that!
Manager: Listen you guys are the best, you know it. I know it. The food business is a business.
2: We are the best because we don’t see it as a business. We see it as an art form.
Manager: An artform that needs to be funded to continue to operate… listen just tell me what we are selling here (interrupted by CEO coming in)
(manager stands to greet, 1+2 stay seated)
CEO: Sit. (manager sits) Good boy. (takes seat at table) What do we got.
1: We have the future of food.
2: Whats your top two favorite drunk foods.
CEO: Excuse me..
Manager: Guys… they are just joking.
2: Two favorite foods to eat when you are drunk, what are they?
CEO: I went to business school in…
1: And when you used to binge drink at business schoool what did you want to eat?
CEO: … I don’t like where this is going but it would have to be either pizza rolls or a hot pocket.
2: and what if we said you no longer have to choose?
CEO: I … tell me more.
1: (brings out Styrofoam container and opens it) This is doof. A hybrid food which is a cross between hot pocket/pizza rolls and other elements that are still being tested.
CEO: It looks delicious, but so much saturated fat. …. I fear you may have gone too far with this creation.
Manager: what they mean is…
1: Shove it manager here’s what we mean… we are making this food product, you can either shut us down or get on board. (shuts Styrofoam container revealing the title slice)
(cut to outside conference room, 1+2 waiting outside)
Manager: Well pack up your snacks because they just shut down our food science lab
1: What?! After everything we’ve done for the food business?
2: Forget her and forget this food business, there’s a million other food businesses who would want to go into the food business with us.
1: We could move the food hybrid into my parents old food test lab.
2: But you have issues with your parents!
1: In the name of food science I will face those issues
(moving into second kitchen)
(1 setting random stuff down, 2 opening Styrofoam slice container to gaze lovingly at food hybrid)
1: (joining 2 in looking at the food product) How long are we going to see this through?
2: All the way. (1 puts 2 in his arms) You thinking what I’m thinking?
1: It’s been a long time. (closes Styrofoam container and turns around in 2’s arms to face him)
2: Too long (faces get closer as if to kiss but look off to the left to see fast food bag)
(switching from sensual voice to excited child like voice) AW YOU GOT TACO BELL?! AWESOME!
(montage of increasingly close zoomed in the creepier looking shots of 1 and 2 eating, during this Styrofoam container containing hybrid opens and camera pans to show hybrid watching 1 and 2)
(1 or 2 thinks they see the hybrid getting closer but they are too into eating to do anything about it, finally they get startled and hybrid is back in it’s box)
(fade to black)
Remaining plot points to hit:
-Scientist get too attached to creature, decide to kill it
-Creature kills one, gets devoured by other
-Food Baby, setup for sequel
Sep 28, 2011
Sep 21, 2011
Datable Diary 3
Tonight I passed that point and it feels good. I reach that point with everything I do, work, my dog, all my extracurriculars.... But I think I am better than most at powering through and just getting it done. J's big thing was to put as many sound effects as possible into it. I still don't know if I like that idea but it seems to make it move faster. I am opposed to anything outside of what's on the camera because I'm the one responsible for putting in all that frilly crud and I usually am just SWAGing on how to do it. J gets excited when he uses iMovie because of all the transitions and filters until I remind him for the millionth time that this version of iMovie (2007, act like you know) isn't compatible with the current version of Mac os so that's one of the many features that glitch out.
As of right now with time set aside for credits we are at 9:15, longer than I wanted the awful things to say and j wanted his montages. I really wish we would have had time to shoot something/anything for an intro, as there were 3 pages written out for it and what we have now could really use a lead in. I'm thinking freeze frame/bullet points right now until I think of something lazier to try.
Sep 18, 2011
Dateable Diary #2
I should have provided our actors and camera operators what I was looking for more clearly. But they did fine and the final product will hopefully reflect that.
Every video I've made I wish I would be able to capture every major hand body movement in close up to cut against. And every video I forget and either have it look like poorly edited garbage or try to recreate the shots during editing and have it look like fake garbage.
Watching Thor, a movie that succeeds despite piles of bad decisions made while producing it. The tone is very weird and the movies scope is intentionally small to just be a preamble for the Avengers. If this video succeeds then I have hooks built into to lead it into the next one, or even a previous one. But it will stand on it's own, if it stands at all, or if anyone can stand it.
J and I saw Drive today, a movie that would be under 20 minutes long if you cut out the tension or mood building moments. I sassed that there is more dead space in this movie than in every Michael bay movie combined, but it's not dead space, it is time and effort spent building characters and relationships. It is a risk, one that I and the rest of the Internet video kids can't afford.
Anyway J is reviewing music/sleeping. I will continue with Thor and listening to the even drunker WMU students celebrate a victory they had nothing to do with.
Sep 14, 2011
Dateable Diary #1
Anyway. Dateable happend as part of "films with friends" a rededication of my video making efforts. It stars people who are not me which is a very d'être ing change,
I'm doing first edit now, just over 2 hours of forage from 2 cameras. I will speak about the sections I "finish" and leave out script details so we can all be surprised in how disappointed we are.
I had about 1.5 ideas for the visual look of this and one of them is upfront. I don't actually get ideas myself, just find new things to rip off. And in this opening we are ripping off a "how to use a monopod" segment from It was rough looking while shooting but I like how the idea turned out.
This was the first thing we shot with Our actress and i think that worked out because the quick takes and running around of her comfortable. It also gave her a moment to take in where the video is being shot and get a visual on her costar without being thrown into his arms immediately.
I spiced in a couple shots of our actor but I think I'm going to cut them out. Right now this segment is just under a minute and I am going to need much time as possible later for jokes to cover up the fact the whole video takes place in one room. Also having out actor talked about but not seen or heard kind of ups the ante on what kind of stud/douche he's gonna be.
This segment leads directly into the conversation that will take up the rest of the movie. The first line from out actor feels like it takes forever to spit out, it makes me dread editing the rest of it because my goal to keep this thing moving and all I have is singles and the occasional movement worth showing to an audience. Oh well we will find it.
As of right now my goal for this video is to be 7-8 minutes, I would be ecstatic if I could fit everything good and tell a complete story in 5 or less, but I don't think it's going happen.
I'm done, thanks to my director of photography totally not seeing my head in the reflection of an otherwise excellent shot. I would have made the same mistake, I'm sure it'll get a laugh, and that's one more than the dialogue will get.
Sep 13, 2011
Saw 7/3D/FinalChapter/see you for the reboot!
But until they come to an agreement I have the Saw finale (maybe for 3 years at most) and you have this live blog.
We have our hero(?) from the very first movie, I first liked then hated the retconning of additional plot in previous movies. Our Dr hero is noticably ten years older despite this taking place during the first movie.
The digital video they film these with is disgusting, even without the film content.
Dream sequences and nonstop traps in first 15 minutes, smart move. Also the movie is very bright, probably due to the 3D glasses they expected people to wear.
Sean Patrick Flannery (SPF)! Why didn't this guy get famous in the 90's. The most 90's dude I ever saw. He's faking being a jigsaw survivor, I doubt he'll be faking it for long. Looking bloated but he's probably past 40 so looking k.
So they are just making up jigsaw victims and flashing back to stuff from nonexistent flashbacks.
I doubt these movies pay well, and I'm sure you have to scrub pretty hard to get it off a resume. So many Canadian haircuts and accents!
SPF is nabbed! Just when I thought I was safe! There's a new cop in this one, hopefully he can catch the personality-less jigsaw helper by the time this franchise is over. The jigsaw helper escaped his trap nicely at the opening of the movie, much like the dude from Gilmore girls did 3 movies ago.
Live or die SPF, make your choice. Maybe he did this movie to motivate the studio to do another boondocks saints. Oh good, another flashback! Now showing us why/how SPF faked the jigsaw trap. He's got a bowl cut so I'll assume the flashback is from 1997 grunge or 2009 beiber fever struck the nation.
New cop has Canadian new York accent. "I knew you were crazy when I first laid eyes on you. Crazy." Sounds like the cop from heavy rain.
They should just start filming the saw reboot now in the entire east side of Michigan. I think the mood and broken down factories are already in place for it. How much money/time does jigsaw/new jigsaw have for these traps?
Why is jigsaw punishing his real former victim wife? Is it due to her being complicit in his lie? Is it because new jigsaw has no moral code? Oh speak of devil here is flashback of real jigsaw. That's what we call a meet cute!
Darn it movie no one cares about the bad cop procedural!
Jigsaw needs to provide operator instruction sheets and get signatures before starting a game. If consistent work isn't being followed then how can you expect a consistent product?
I have now caged my dog in front of the tv to calm him down for bed. I am the jigsaw to his soon to be dead students.
Flashback to cop vs new jigsaw grudge? Oh... Not yet, just some detective work. I converted a m4v to wmv at work today without installing any new software, now that's detective work.
The next jigsaw game is what I'm playing with youth group next week. Hopefully with fewer casualties.
I can't tell if my alarm is going off upstairs or the soundtrack has added a new terrible layer.
I love stuff only shot for 3D in 2D, like Thors hammer coming at the screen, or in this cases key falling out of a potential survivors hand.
Here's that cop/jigsaw flashback!
Movie 67% over with. I've went to Facebook, I fear a friend with a new profile pic is pregnant, I'm pretty good at telling women when they are pregnant. I think I even knew when my mon got pregnant before she did. I think I get this trait from my father because he took off running as soon as he got a whiff of me.
SPF is ripping out his teeth to get a locker combination, if I was jigsaw old just have the locker short locked.
The cop left the scene of the game to probably get himself killed or trapped alone somewhere. SPF got electric fenced and the dog and I jumped. I love how the wife is too mad at SPF to follow her natural survival instincts.
I love fake Hollywood abs. Also dumb cop looks like my boss. Also jigsaw did a variation of the twist theyve done since first saw. Also jigsaw killed cop with auto turret, with an amazing death fall from cop realizing he'll never act in this town again.
New jigsaw just killed every cop in town. SPF is going through with the trap he faked while his wife screams "you can do it!". Now that I see trap he could easily have done it without the injury. When jigsaw comes for me I think I'll be k.
Oh fake run from jigsaw! You can do it old jigsaws fake wife! I'm rooting for you... Wait am I rooting for her? New jigsaw walks, kills and talks like fat terminator.
SPF wife caught in some stove after he fails. New jigsaw takes forever fighting wife after killing every cop in hand to hand combat. But she's gone with the cheesey routine catchphrase "game over."
But new jigsaw is taken out by Carey Elwes from Saw 1 who was his secret accomplice despite not being in Saw 2-6. GAME OVER #2. IM OUT!
Sep 9, 2011
I am writing this from the toilet
With this relaunch of the blog, expect a lot less jokes... I just don't got it in me lately.
Sep 8, 2011
I could go on but it's 11:21 and sadly I must work tomorrow. I have a 1 hour commute, I can't even sleep during it!
Aug 30, 2011
Women, you are not allowed go on a date

Aug 25, 2011
Aug 21, 2011
Calm Down. I was only gone for a minute.
Jul 24, 2011
Rekindling the magic
Jul 18, 2011
Pasta and greens, heavy on the greens.
Cut and prepare some green beans, asparagus, cucumber, green (or red) pepper, green onion and yellow (or red) onion and throw in a pan.
Add some oil (canola, of course, and remember, less is more) and crushed or minced garlic.
Turn on the heat and mix it up.
Let it start to simmer...tsss....yeah~~.
Add some salt, ground pepper, Mrs. Dash, chili powder (optional), and cumin (not optional - this is what makes green beans not suck).
Keep mixing it.
Smelling it yet? Good.
I forgot to say this before, and my mouse and arrow keys are broke, so I'm saying it now: At some point, start boiling some water, and chuck in your favorite pasta (penne and bowtie are both great for this). I suggest using less pasta then veggies, they are the stars here, with pasta playing a supporting role. Prepare al dente.
Drain pasta and add to frying pan. Keep frying them together on a lower heat until they are mixed perfectly.
Add some Parmesan cheese.
Enjoy knowing that since you cook, you are better then those who don't.
Skip the parm and use eggless noodles to go vegan.
Zucchini and squash can also be added.
Grilled chicken can also be added.
Jul 5, 2011
EA Active is 20 dollars at Sam's Club and possibly Toys R Us
Jun 28, 2011
Barry Pepper is the model of class and dignity
Jun 27, 2011
It's a level that involves speaking in tongues, kicking invisible people, and lots of yelling.
You guessed it, I'm taking martial arts classes. Specifically TaeKwonDo.
TaeKwonDo is Korean for "the way of the hand and foot". It is a journey with yourself to find inner-peace, and to bring peace to other.
You also get to kick some serious ass!
The first ass I'm kicking is my own. It, and the rest of my body parts need to learn who's boss. I've been at is for three weeks and so far my collar bones have been the first to stand up and say "I want to be seen in the mirror!" It's nice to be able to feel them for a change.
On a good day after some serious stretching I can (for the first time) throttle my toes without bending my knee to show them whose boss.
I've always been sort of a martial arts geek. I enjoy cheesy Kung Fu movies and regard Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan as living legends. Because of this, while in class, doing kicks and kihaps (Korean for scream e.g. "Hiya!") even when I'm getting hurt (physically or emotionally) I may start to giggle at how cool it all is.
Besides all this, probably the best part about TaeKwondo is that the auto-correct really wants it to become "Wonderbra". No joke.
On a serious note, I've never been this flexible, this in shape, the regimen keeps me focused, and I'm really really enjoying it. I recommend martial arts to everyone! (Except the Swedes.)
Jun 22, 2011
An unformated live blog of "Get Over It" starring Ben Foster and Kirsten Dunst

C-Minus posted to Sleepy Cricket
Netflix News: Coolio is in "Get Over It" for about 2 seconds. Maybe there is a directors cut where he has a subplot.
Monday at 9:27pm · · ·
C-Minus Sisquo is in it as well.
Monday at 9:27pm ·
C-Minus So is the main girl Navii from Avatar
Monday at 9:28pm ·
C-Minus So is Tom Hank's child actor child.
Monday at 9:29pm ·
C-Minus So is a strobe light and every terrible film gimmick we've ever tried.
Monday at 9:30pm · · 1 person
C-Minus Kirsten Dunst and Meg Griffin! They are having i-don't-know-how-to-act off!
Monday at 9:33pm ·
C-Minus I just started the movie back up again. I'm 20% in.
about an hour ago ·
C-Minus Our hero is using the Big Red commercial theme song to audition for his high school musical. It's the first genuine smile i've had all movie.
58 minutes ago ·
C-Minus This is really high school musical without the musical stuff. The director s cramming as many extras in every frame as possible. And they are smiling and talking so passionately in the background. It's very distracting and very excellent.
56 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Martin Short is in this. He's playing his character as Martin Short, a bold choice to be sure.
55 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Oh and our man who joined the musical is conflicted with his basketball obligation.
55 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The PG-13 level swearing is really empowering the students in the movie to use low level curses as punctuation marks and replacements for jokes and original thoughts.
53 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Main character was just urinated on by a horse in a dream sequence.
52 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisquo just said his first line! it's 35 minutes in and Sisquo is secondary bff
52 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisqo is using a nasally voice yours to cover up his beautiful high pitch falsetto, also yours.
51 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The movie is gonna pair up sisqo and jackie from that 70's show.
47 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Bobby Knight-reference.
45 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The two leads just romantically played ABC on the piano together.
43 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Oh Carmen Electra cameo... they must have been having hot meals in the catering truck to secure her talents.
41 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Characters dad is played by Stan Sitwell from Arrested Development.
40 minutes ago ·
C-Minus If you are writing a script where a nunchuck is used for comedic affect, I would suggest deleting the entire script.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Main character's name is Burt Landers.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Burt Landers.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus less than 5 minutes after character jokingly taken out by nunchuck, character is jokingly taken out by crossbow.
36 minutes ago ·
C-Minus It's a very montagey movie. Tommy Wiseau took note.
35 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisqo is stepping up to be a dancer. And Mary Jane Parker is going to sneak one of her original songs into the performance.... so intense.
20 minutes ago ·
C-Minus pretty sure sisqo used one of the routines from an old dru hill video in this movie.
16 minutes ago ·
C-Minus colin hanks wins for best "get a load of this movie" reaction shots in the movie.
15 minutes ago ·
Sleepy Cricket Oh Mylanta! This is great. We already have Michael Bay signed up for this. And if he asks, we have $300 million in Danish securities...
9 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Play was great success despite the cast rewriting it on the spot. ENDING WITH SISQO COVER OF "SEPTEMBER!" This has been "Get Over It" I have been your host C- Minus. Have a good night everyone!
C-Minus posted to Sleepy Cricket
Netflix News: Coolio is in "Get Over It" for about 2 seconds. Maybe there is a directors cut where he has a subplot.
Monday at 9:27pm · · ·
C-Minus Sisquo is in it as well.
Monday at 9:27pm ·
C-Minus So is the main girl Navii from Avatar
Monday at 9:28pm ·
C-Minus So is Tom Hank's child actor child.
Monday at 9:29pm ·
C-Minus So is a strobe light and every terrible film gimmick we've ever tried.
Monday at 9:30pm · · 1 person
C-Minus Kirsten Dunst and Meg Griffin! They are having i-don't-know-how-to-act off!
Monday at 9:33pm ·
C-Minus I just started the movie back up again. I'm 20% in.
about an hour ago ·
C-Minus Our hero is using the Big Red commercial theme song to audition for his high school musical. It's the first genuine smile i've had all movie.
58 minutes ago ·
C-Minus This is really high school musical without the musical stuff. The director s cramming as many extras in every frame as possible. And they are smiling and talking so passionately in the background. It's very distracting and very excellent.
56 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Martin Short is in this. He's playing his character as Martin Short, a bold choice to be sure.
55 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Oh and our man who joined the musical is conflicted with his basketball obligation.
55 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The PG-13 level swearing is really empowering the students in the movie to use low level curses as punctuation marks and replacements for jokes and original thoughts.
53 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Main character was just urinated on by a horse in a dream sequence.
52 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisquo just said his first line! it's 35 minutes in and Sisquo is secondary bff
52 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisqo is using a nasally voice yours to cover up his beautiful high pitch falsetto, also yours.
51 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The movie is gonna pair up sisqo and jackie from that 70's show.
47 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Bobby Knight-reference.
45 minutes ago ·
C-Minus The two leads just romantically played ABC on the piano together.
43 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Oh Carmen Electra cameo... they must have been having hot meals in the catering truck to secure her talents.
41 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Characters dad is played by Stan Sitwell from Arrested Development.
40 minutes ago ·
C-Minus If you are writing a script where a nunchuck is used for comedic affect, I would suggest deleting the entire script.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Main character's name is Burt Landers.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Burt Landers.
38 minutes ago ·
C-Minus less than 5 minutes after character jokingly taken out by nunchuck, character is jokingly taken out by crossbow.
36 minutes ago ·
C-Minus It's a very montagey movie. Tommy Wiseau took note.
35 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Sisqo is stepping up to be a dancer. And Mary Jane Parker is going to sneak one of her original songs into the performance.... so intense.
20 minutes ago ·
C-Minus pretty sure sisqo used one of the routines from an old dru hill video in this movie.
16 minutes ago ·
C-Minus colin hanks wins for best "get a load of this movie" reaction shots in the movie.
15 minutes ago ·
Sleepy Cricket Oh Mylanta! This is great. We already have Michael Bay signed up for this. And if he asks, we have $300 million in Danish securities...
9 minutes ago ·
C-Minus Play was great success despite the cast rewriting it on the spot. ENDING WITH SISQO COVER OF "SEPTEMBER!" This has been "Get Over It" I have been your host C- Minus. Have a good night everyone!
Jun 20, 2011
I'd like the NOOK COLOR better if I knew how to read.
Jun 19, 2011
A new franchise
Jun 13, 2011
I think the super book is my equivalent to the one ring
Jun 12, 2011
A casual survey of people who think this guy is a jerk.
Jun 5, 2011

Funny name, serious workout.
It's a rhythm-based exercise game in which you use one or both Wii remotes to do dances, and martial arts while following along with trainer. Sounds pretty cheesy and a lot like most other kiddie Wii games, but gets inside tents. Now thats intense. You even have a music note acciuntabilibuddy who encourages you when you do well or work out in consecutive days. When you miss too many days though he does get a nasty side, and threatens suicide due to abandonment.
I really enjoy it, especially the boxercizing and karate modes. and for 20 bucks it's well worth it. You do have to try and actually be into it, however. I even put wrist weighs on sometimes to really ramp it up.
Buy it.
Oh, and here's a linky to a vid:
May 31, 2011
Review: Fuji XP20 Waterproof Camera

May 25, 2011
Have a good day
I saw in her eyes friends, education, careers, and a life of joy cowering in fear of diapers, crying, doctors visits, and constant attention.
I saw on her lips an attempt at bravery, but on her brow worry.
I sensed the crossroads and indecision. The choice as well as the choicless.
I felt her load, weighing down the air around us.
I thought of a hundred comforting words to say, but chose only four.
I said “Have a good day.”
And meant every word.
May 22, 2011
Auto-Facetagging is Creepy

May 15, 2011
in this post I fix the secondary education system
May 4, 2011
A service I would pay a premium for
May 3, 2011
The girl without the dragon tatoo
The look on the young girl’s face while she brought the pregnancy test to the counter brought a tear to my eye and a prayer to my heart.
I saw in her eyes friends, education, careers, and a life of joy cowering in fear of diapers, crying, doctors visits, and constant attention.
I saw on her lips an attempt at bravery, but on her brow worry.
I sensed the crossroads and indecision.
The choice as well as the choicless.
I felt her load, weighing down the air around us.
I thought of a hundred comforting words to say, but chose only four.
I said “Have a good day.”
And meant every word.