Mar 12, 2011

B. Willis

I watched the movie RED and it reminded me of one thing: Bruce Willis is an amazing actor, and severely under-rated. It fathoms me that he has not yet won an academy award. The man can play a superhero and yet still make us believe he's an average joe through his sincerity.
How can a mortal man exude both profound awesomeness, and profound emotion at the same time?
Willis' magic is strong, and he's not afraid to show it. Rumor has it that he studied under kings and gods for centuries before emerging in his present state to yippi-kai-yea us out of our mundane slump. (Disclaimer: I've never seen any Die Hard movie all the way through, I'm more of a fan of his later work, e.g. The Fifth Element, Unbreakable.)
So the next time you watch a movie featuring Bruce Willis I challenge you this: Look into his eyes. And I mean really look into them. You may be afraid at first, but trust me, the wonders encased within are well worth the damage.

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