Jun 28, 2011

Barry Pepper is the model of class and dignity

This guy is the man. I'm watching the Kennedy's mini-series that was deemed too hot for History Channel. People scoffed at the way the family was depicted but 4 episodes in it seems pretty much what I've read. Trying to make a narrative film about anyone's life has to be filled with lies and composites in order to make sense in a 2-8 hour narrative. The thing is well produced but filled with terribly showy performances. This isn't a drama killer per-say, aside from Katie Holmes as Jackie, a showy performance from a girl with little to show is kind of embarrassing.

Kennedy just assigned his "first negro to presidential protection detail." Yes we can America. Yes we can. Uh oh, old whitey's got a problem with it. Kennedy don't give a rip.

Ok back to Barry Pepper. He's playing Bobby Kennedy and has a ridiculous hair cut, but he is holding himself and his facial contortions with grace and dignity that is far more than this extended cable historical drama deserves. He's been in a lot of terrible movies and hasn't always been the best part, but he has done his job and earned his paycheck. I really noticed him in the 25th Hour, which was a scenery chewing performance in a scenery chewing movie (still awesome). But in most other roles he's been reasonably restrained. He played Roger Marris AND Dale Erndhart for crying out loud, and Barry is about the only guy who could make this bastard care about sports. No I haven't seen either of those movies but if they were on netflix I might skim them.

I just looked at IMDB and it turns out he played Tom Ripley in a movie, I must find it. Review forthcoming.

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