Dec 24, 2010

Reflections: Time Sinks that I have given up in 2010

Time Sink: Something that takes a lot of your time and effort in order to be completed. Fequently used in MMORPGS to make customers play longer, thus making them pay more. Time sinks are very, very, very, very, very bad.

Thankfully I've never been that interested in MMORPGS like SleepyCricket has but I got more than my fair share of things that I waste my time on. Here are some time sinks that I gave up or curbed in 2010.

Worrying: I still worry about everything but it is not as crippling as it used to be. I have tried to convert that worrying into preparation or dealing with the actual thing I'm worried about. If you see me being over zealous about something it is probably in an effort to stop worrying about it.

Naps: I used to be the best napper I know, especially when I had a flexible schedule. I used to get home from work, eat some crappy fast food then fall asleep for 2-3 hours, wake up and have no idea what time/day it was. Stay up til about 90 minutes before I was due into work and then start the cycle over again. All of that night time I spent not sleeping could have been used for something but I don't think I did anything fulfilling with my insomnia.

Buying stuff: I think 2010 was the year I really stopped being a good consumer. I still spend but its usually with a reasonable amount of thought or planning. Where as in previous year I would focus on spending overtime monies on some random toy, I think now I can honestly say I let my needs drive most of my purchases instead of the other way around.

Opinions of people I don't like: I really wasted a lot of high school and college worrying about the opinions of people who I shouldn't have given two toots about. I think I made great strides in 2010 in ignoring them. I will let their actions anger me but the fact that they exist is beyond my control (until i start going all Dexter [2 months give or take]) and out of my mind.

The Internet: Yes I have an iPhone and yes that makes me better than you. But I have really reduced my time on the Internet. I used to consider the message board of to be a family that I wanted to spend time with, and now I consider them to be an extended family that I don't want to spend time with. My e-penis or whatever the current term for internet popularity is no longer important to me and I think that is a big step in becoming a fully functional adult.

Alright that's it. Merry Christmas.

SLEEPYCRICKET WATCH: He just texted me to say he's in town and he wants to see Tron tomorrow. I will let you know how this one turns out. KEEPYOURFINGERSCROSSED!

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