Dec 19, 2010

Reflections: Work in 2010

Last work week of 2010, let us reflect about some events that happened and how they affected me.

Work Wife (Rebecca Cunningham) Left Me:
She actually left me twice, once to go to work at main office and again to take a much better job at a company that is a dream for many of the employees at the company I currently work at. I appreciate the stuffing out of both of the wives, and even though this one is now too good to talk to me anymore, I am happy for her.

Work Mother went on medical leave:
Haven't done a proper post regarding work mother because I think the name explains her well enough. The company and her family has worked her to a wheelchair, despite really riling up another coworker I miss her taking on the work load and keeping select managers off my back. If she was financially secure and her family wasn't so terrible to her I would hope that she wouldn't come back from medical leave, but I have a feeling that she won't be done with my workplace until she is incapacitated permanently. I got to see an ambulance called for her after she passed out on her last day, so that was something.

I got my first raise:
It was 1%, described to me as "thankfully we have some money to throw around this year, happy to report you will be getting a (lists actual dollar amount that 1% of my yearly salary would be) and that will be RETROACTIVE for the start of the year. I would have been less angry if they would have given me nothing, or taken 1% away from everyone in the company including myself.

I got numerous rejection letters (both internal and external jobs) and 0 interviews:
Currently have an application pending for a job that is the exact description of my talents (apparently they need someone to taunt SLEEPY CRICKET and make rape jokes at Kellogg), we will see what interesting way they will phrase "not interested at this time" in their rejection letter.

I made an awesome joke:
There is a office coffee pot at my workplace, it is terrible and digusting. There is one guy who really loves the coffee. I made this joke:

"I like my women like I like my coffee; smelly and left over from (guy who drinks all the coffee)."

It was the highlight of my work week, possibly my career.


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