Jan 3, 2012


I want to write and produce more in 2012. I think I should start by writing some overviews of ideas that have been bouncing around in my head for way to long. I am going to start by hopefully summarizing my longest gestating idea. This thing started when I was in high school and has had the plot changed about 30 times, so it sucks. But for once I'm going to get it all out of my system.


Idea's age: 2000-Present
Idea life span: started as a heist film of an armored truck that picked up at my previous retail workplace. In college it was a Clerks style coming of age while not really doing anything story. Since I was fired from my first job it was "Crash-in a dying superstore"with media being the straw man instead of racism.


This idea starts with our hero having his final morning at an ad agency. It is 8AM or so and the office is beautiful but foreboding as not many people have arrived yet. Our hero works on various spreadsheets before wiping his eyes and getting up for a quick drink. Making small talk with another early arriving coworker it is clear that our hero understands that something is going to happen. As he arrives to his desk he see's a project manager and HR person waiting for him at his cube. They guide him into the PM office, in the office he is given his termination notice. Dialogue is covered up by music or internal monologue of the hero. PM leaves to inform the rest of the department/start his day. In filling out final paperwork our hero knocks over a cup of pencils which he forces himself to pick up despite the HR person telling him it is fine. He uses this awkwardness to stick a usb in the PM's desk, he removes it in a couple moments after he finishes the pencils and his paperwork.

He walks solemnly with the HR person past his cube where his things were hastily placed in a cardboard box. He heads toward the exit with his box as members of his department are heading into an adjacent conference room. The coworker from earlier notices him and calls our hero to join them. Our hero gives a slight head shake and the coworker sees the box in his hands. The coworker looks at the conference room and realizes the meeting is going to be about our hero's termination.

Our hero walks towards the door, seeing the beautiful ad and media material lining the walls of the agency. As he walks past the signs they slowly dissolve from branded material to a red [X] that you see when an image doesn't load on a website. In a move that startles the HR person our hero shakes her hand before exiting on the elevator.

On the silent drive home billboards and businesses also transition to [X]. He arrives at his apartment, with a reserved despair across his face. He looks at his things, the life that he once had, he looks down at the USB key in his hand, the logo on it slowly dissolves into the [X]. With this change he grips the USB key with a newly found determination. The action then speeds up to time lapse/fast forward as he breaks down all of his belongings packs them in his car (leaving a lot of stuff on the curb) and floors it out of the parking lot.

For twenty-some odd years our hero has existed, but starting today he was on a mission to destroy. Speeding out of his former parking lot with vengeance on his mind. But before he could move forward with his plan... or his plan to have a plan, he had to go to buy some stuff.

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