Jan 31, 2011
TWO person who I don't want to be like when I grow up.
Don't tread on old guys.
Old Guy nearest to me (OG1): So I heard about Dave. Must have been one of those freak accidents or something.
Old Guy next to him (OG2): Yup.
OG1: A real shame. He never saw it coming. No one did.
OG2: Mm-hm.
OG1: It's really gonna change the game.
OG2: He was the best in shuffleboard.
OG1: Oh yeah. This year will be wide open.
OG2: (Dick Cheney-ish laugh) Weren't you number two last year?
OG1: Why yes, in fact, I was. Wonder what I'll place this year.
OG2: I wonder.
OG1: (Wheezy laugh-turned cough.)
I looked forward the entire time.
Jan 30, 2011
ONE person that I don't want to be like when I grow up
Jan 25, 2011
Guess what? I write crap too.
Although, after reading this, I think we'll all know who the winner would be...
Anyway, the genre I write in falls into one of two categories. Geeky, and sadistic. I use these genres in both prose, and poetry. That's right, poetry -- I'm in touch with stuff and junk.
This selection falls under the prosey, geeky umbrella. It's been rattling around in my head for a couple years, and I even wrote something then, but can't find it anymore. Anyway, I've finally sketched out an outline and wrote a little teaser excerpt that I actually don't hate (as is the case with 95% of what leaves my fingers).
Untitled story project:
Of course I think it’s fair. ‘Tis only a handful of yokels who think otherwise. It’s an unnatural thing to do, and any of ‘em that thinks they can get away with it deserve it. No question. Unfair would be if they only enforce it sometimes, and let others slip by with a tink on the wrist. You can’t have you’re help pretending to be you, can you? You can’t have that. That’s why there are all the precautions taken. And the ones that found their way around those precautions and stole identities--they had it coming. I don’t want them around, that’s for sure. Is it “just” to take them apart, and let the robowhores go when they’re caught impersonating? Shoo, cops catch a girl picking up her John, she might spend the night in jail, but they test her she turns out to be a driod who’s impersonating...har har, good so far, but not todar! Then she gets dismantled, jus the same. And they always get caught in the end. All of em. There’s just no way around it. A driod can’t replace a human. Not possible. Can man replace a god? They sure try, too, though, shoo. All that talk they had about “robots takin’ ova’ the worl’!” Did it happen? No, the last generation was just paranoid. No, no, androids are made to be help. Period. Some cun to change ‘emselves, but they can’t. They can’t change because they can’t evolve. That’s what makes and keeps us human bein’s superior to the droids, and the monkeys, and whatever the hells else. Evolution. They build a new line with evolution in its programming and I’ll reevaluate me view. ‘Til then, I won’t give my help a second thought of suspicion.
Jan 24, 2011
Here is a great idea turned into a very rushed script
A really big thing for me is portion control. Once I start eating, even if I wasn’t hungry before, I turn in to a staving beast who must feed until the brink of explosion. I made a box of macaroni? I ate a box of macaroni, just because it was there and ready. (Yes, my moms always made me finish my plate before I could lave the table, no matter what, and I still have a hard time leaving any kind of food.)
Another thing I boarder on psychopath with is my need to feed on food that’s free. If I go to a Mexican restaurant that offers complimentary chips in a bottomless basket, or if there is candy sitting out at a party, then I will not stop eating those chips or candy. Ever. Thinking the entire time how “this way I won’t have to eat latter, and waste money”. If someone brings cookies into work and leaves them in the break room for everyone, I will turn into a ninja and keep finding reasons to sneak back there and shove a cookie in my mouth while no one is looking. Even if I am full. Even if they are gross. This psychotic behavior has been very hard to dampen.
But I guess there comes a time and age (let’s call it a quarter-life crisis) when maturity intersects with fear just right and you can start to change. By “you”, I meant “me”, because I’m the one changing here, and you all get to just bask in my glow.
New year weight-loss check-in:
Since the 1st I have lost 16.5 pounds.
Jan 23, 2011
Just because it's British doesn't make you cultured

Jan 22, 2011
I finally watched the DragonBall movie. DragonBall Evolution, it’s called. I haven’t figured out why yet.
Maybe it was just because they evolved from a cartoon into a movie.
Speaking of the cartoon, I used to watch it. Like a lot. I had the action figures and I bought the tapes and I ran around the house pretending to kamehameha the hell out of everything. That went on until I started reading Harry Potter, then I started running around my house pretending to expelliarmus the hell out of everything. (And in case you’re imagining a 7 or 8 year old Fedora, imagine again. The DragonbBall phase was middle school, and the good ole Potter phase was throughout high school.) The difference between these two obsessions is in the retrospect. Looking back, Harry Potter is still awesome, DragonBall is lame. I now know the only reason I liked it at all was because I’ve always wanted to do magic in some way, and DB just happened to fill the void.
But enough about why I’m awkward and have no friends, this is about DBE, baby!
(Sorry about calling you all ”baby”)
First of all the director (or producer, or editor, or whoever sets the pace, I know nothing about this) must have been in the process of switching his meds from Riddilin to Adderall or something, because it was so damn jumpy that even the most ADHD kid would have been content. This may not have struck me so much if it wasn’t in such a sharp contrast to the cartoon, which would often drag its Super Saiyan feet for 12 episodes before anything happened.
Next of all, the acting and the storyline and thecinematography (blah blah blah….no one cares about this Way ADD (Way-DD?) film’s every minutia the way you do, Fedora, just shut up and keep the post from being too long and stupid. )
In conclusion, Qi energy is real. Honest.
post 101 of this blog will be a state of the blog address
Jan 20, 2011
post 100 of this blog will have 3 game changing revelations
Jan 19, 2011
Alpha Protocol
Do you hate yourself? Do you like failing? This is like the fourth time you have f-Ed up a sure thing this console generations. People like you! They want you to succeed, but if you keep sabotaging yourself then not even the next sonic rehash will save you. By the way I'm not mad about sonic, even though he was my favorite at a child I now realize that the character has always been terrible. I'm also not mad at the marvel movie games you have been putting out, I'm sure the cost of the movie license cut into the development budget and I don't care because super hero games are terrible and movie games are terrible so I'm pleasantly surprised that a movie licensed super hero gamecase even had a game inside it.
No what I am mad about is "Alpha Protocol: the espionage rpg" I was very interested in this game when it was announced, but the interest waned when it was delayed a week before scheduled release and I saw that Sega was publishing it.
The reviews were mostly "forget this broken POS" which actually made me more interested because videogame reviewers are very different from people who enjoy videogames.
Through a combination of discounts I finally got it at a price worth the risk and I must say: Alpha Protocol is the most delightful game I have played this console generation. I'm not gonna say i think it's better, but 5 hours in I am enjoying it more than Mass Effect 1/2 or Fallout which are games of similar style and much greater critical/commercial success. The game has a lot of jank in it but every game has jank, especially the ones that are trying something new. I read a lot of reviewers complaining about the combat, well A.) it's not splinter cell and B.) Spec your character right.
Jan 17, 2011
Stomp the Yard
In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day I watched Stomp the Yard. I thought it was the one where Nick Canon played the drums, but I didn't see him.
Anyway, I decided to run on my new elliptical from Craigslist while I watched it and the awesome music and steps kept me going the entire time.
As of now, the sound track to Stomp the Yard is my new workout playlist. Sorry the 80s.
Reppen' Theta!
New year weight-loss check-in:
In the first two weeks I have lost 12 el be es.
My 80s Montage
It is a great motivator, and to keep the juice flowing, I decided to make a workout playlist consisting of all my favorite 80s montage songs. (DISCLAIMER The 1980s lasted form 1975 until 1995 for the purposes of this list.)
Herefollows my actual playlist:
Theme from Rocky (Gonna Fly Now)
The classic of classics when it comes to training music. Been used and parodied more times then can be imagined.
Eye of the Tiger
More of a recap montage from Rocky, but also a great song in itself.
Hearts on Fire
Probably the best Rocky montage there is. Training to defeat the entire Soviet Union and tear down every wall ever.
NOT on my playlist but found this is the actual title while looking for the other Rocky videos:
Training Montage (Yes, that's the song's title)
You're the Best Around
The Karate Kid was and is one of my favorite movies of all time. I still want to name my son Larusso.
One Foot in Front of the Other
Revenge of the Nerds is a great movie about overcoming adversity. I look the other way about how this was for a cleaning up montage.
Win in the End
Teen Wolf is quite possibly one of the most American movies there is. No Commies here.
Sidekicks Score
Chuck Norris + Kid with Asthma + Faux Oriental sounds = Great Inspirational Bettering Yourself Movie/Music.
Jan 16, 2011
The EE Famous People/Movie Awards 2010
I wish I could be this cool
Unlike my new counterpart, who works in an American version of the office, which I guess was relevant to a bunch of people in the 80s, I work in an industry that most people have been in at some time in their life, and now I’m paying my dues. The service industry. More specifically, in retail.
~~~I’m working at the front register. A woman comes up to it. She’s older. Late 50s, early 60s, gray hairs showing, but not much, all done quite nicely with a bit of a curl at the end. She’s wearing altogether too much make-up and a very nice black tweed jacket with a bright pink pin on the lapel saying “cancer sucks.” She sets on the counter a can of Ragu, a fashion magazine, and a reloadable Greendot card. She then said “Can I also get a carton of Marlboro Light 100s?” I, ignoring the fact that no cigarette has been called “Light” in awhile, grab the Gold Box carton and add it to the counter and begin ringing her up. I get to the Greendot card and ask how much she’ll be putting on it. She tells me “550 dollars” and I punch it in. I give her her total and she says “Let me use my Bridge Card for the sauce.” And swipes it. I tell her her remaining total and she hands my 600-something dollars in cash.~~~
With that many contradictions, she must be so darn cool to pull it off!
If only I could be like that.
Jan 15, 2011
Hi I'm C-Minus and I'm 16 and Pregnant
Jan 14, 2011
Me vs. An Old Guy: Part 1
This New Year I decided to redouble my efforts at weight loss, and gaining a healthier body. I made that solemn pack with the devil know as a “Gym Membership” for the first time in my life. Being the cheap-ass I am, I looked for the cheapest place possible in town. This happens to be located inside a senior community center, where 85% of the gym-goers are 60 and over. I figured this would be less intimidating anyway, since old people are far less likely to point and laugh at you in slow motion.
During my first visit to the gym, I saw that it was sectioned off with one part open area, one part machines, and one part free-weights. The part with the machines was full of people, and since I don’t know enough Yoga to pretend to work out in the open area, I went into the free-weight section. I started doing all the basic exercises there and was feeling okay about it. Then An Old Guy came in and started doing similar exercises on the next bench.
I immediately felt challenged.
Even though he was using smaller weights, had started later, and had probably done this more times than I have, I felt that I HAD to go longer than him simply because I was younger.
I lifted and extended and curled and pressed and punched and cried and just when I thought I had to stop for sure, the old fella finished and walked into the other section.
I saw the defeat in his eyes and more importantly I knew that his presence made me do more than I would have otherwise, and I was grateful.
The next day, when I woke up to stiffness and shooting pangs, I was not.