Feb 24, 2011

My Travel Bag

I'm going on an awesome mission trip tomorrow for about 10 days, which I've been preparing for frantically in between a packed work schedule to make up for some of the lost time I'll have missed for awhile now. (*Cough-cough* Excuse for not posting) One of the last things I've had to do is pack my bags. I enjoy traveling, and this task has always excited me. The idea of leaving all else behind which is unimportant, and simply living out of a bag for a week is enticing. I've often had shadows of desires to just hit the road one day with whatever I could throw in a bag or two and just travel and live for awhile. I'm of course too cowardly and comfortable to do that, but it's a fun thought.
So what, after careful evaluation, are the most important things in my life which get the honor of traveling with me, you didn't ask?
Taking up the most room: Clothes. (Boring)
And it's not even a lot, I'm pretty low-maintenance. A pair of jeans, pair of work jeans, a work shirt, 4 other shirts, 3 under/sleep shirts, sleep pants, and enough socks and undies to make mom happy.
Toiletries - Hair (beard) and body wash, dandruff shampoo (can't leave home without it), D.O. for the B.O., tooth brush/paste, and a comb. That's it.
Travel pillow - I'm all for comfort. I recently upgraded to the Total Pillow and am excited to really try it out.
A few good books - Two 16hour drives can get long. Feed your need to read!
A secret snack - Once a fattie, always a fattie. The fear of getting too hungry will always be with me, so I always travel a with a stowed-away snack. I normally bring nuts, that way it's not AS bad for me, and provides protein for energy! Oh, and a water bottle, too.
My iPod Touch - Providing games, music and videos for more entertainment, as well as, note-taking, productivity, and a chance to check my stocks if I hit a Wi-Fi hotspot. I'll get a real smart phone someday.
Camera, and maybe a journal to preserves them mem'ries.
Essential drugs - I'll have a little bit of ibprophen, and antacids, becuase you just never know.

Now, orange ya glad I posted that and you got to waste a few minutes of your life?

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