Feb 16, 2011

The view from the moral high ground

I dedicate a portion of my life to things that I will never receive payment or appropriate credit for. You may know what they are, and good for you. We will not speak of them in this post. What we will speak of is how I will most likely not be willing to acknowledge your opinions about my volunteer-work because I have the moral high ground.

"But I have opinions about what you do things! What is this moral high ground and how may I get up on it?" -You
As stated in previous sentence. I will not be acknowledging your opinions.

The moral high ground is the fantastic perch that I get to sit at when I do something for 0 pay and with little support. I am not complaining about lack of pay or support. I do not know if I would accept it if it was offered. The view from the moral high ground is good enough that I can go without syphoning funds or being an official part of a system that I have issues with.

I was pretty involved with a non-profit a couple years ago, did I have a great attitude about it? Nope. Was I doing it primarily out of obligation? Yep. But I did it and the job got done. And it was good until I got critiques of my unpaid performance and suggestions about how I should do things differently. The situation also changed when paid staff members had opinions on what I should be doing. And this is where the problem is good sir: I have the moral high ground. There is little keeping me here aside from the altruistic reward of being decent and the simple pleasures doing a job my way. If that doesn't work for you then I think you should find a replacement so I can step down.

With the exception of that volunteer experience and some media work I've done for the Internet/non-profits; few have tried to alter my view from the moral high ground. But here is the other issue from sitting upon the perch of my moral high ground: If you have ever taken a paycheck doing what I do I will probably cast judgement upon you with an unrealistic and rapidly shifting double standard.

Take your position seriously? You are too into yourself, losing sight of the goal, and should be fired immediately.
Take your position lightly? Irresponsible and you should be fired.
Are a perfect person in the position? No one needs a role model that is perfect and you should be fired.

If the moral high ground seems like a self righteous place, that is because it is, but I usually am able to keep my judgements towards those who could care less what I think.

Since my parents have been gone I have been spending more time with my cat. I have discovered that my cat is an a-hole and that my feline allergies are very severe.

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