Feb 24, 2011
My Travel Bag
So what, after careful evaluation, are the most important things in my life which get the honor of traveling with me, you didn't ask?
Taking up the most room: Clothes. (Boring)
And it's not even a lot, I'm pretty low-maintenance. A pair of jeans, pair of work jeans, a work shirt, 4 other shirts, 3 under/sleep shirts, sleep pants, and enough socks and undies to make mom happy.
Toiletries - Hair (beard) and body wash, dandruff shampoo (can't leave home without it), D.O. for the B.O., tooth brush/paste, and a comb. That's it.
Travel pillow - I'm all for comfort. I recently upgraded to the Total Pillow and am excited to really try it out.
A few good books - Two 16hour drives can get long. Feed your need to read!
A secret snack - Once a fattie, always a fattie. The fear of getting too hungry will always be with me, so I always travel a with a stowed-away snack. I normally bring nuts, that way it's not AS bad for me, and provides protein for energy! Oh, and a water bottle, too.
My iPod Touch - Providing games, music and videos for more entertainment, as well as, note-taking, productivity, and a chance to check my stocks if I hit a Wi-Fi hotspot. I'll get a real smart phone someday.
Camera, and maybe a journal to preserves them mem'ries.
Essential drugs - I'll have a little bit of ibprophen, and antacids, becuase you just never know.
Now, orange ya glad I posted that and you got to waste a few minutes of your life?
Feb 22, 2011
I hate video game media #2: Women
Feb 21, 2011
President's Day and other useless holidays
What? You didn't know it was President's Day? Well, it didn't occur to me until they mentioned it on Wheel of Fortune.
Here's the thing - unless you're a government worker, you're probably not going to know it is President's Day. You probably had to work today (unless you were lucky enough to have a snow day). You probably didn't have anybody come up today to say something like "Happy _____" or have somebody say last week "I am so looking forward to _______." And unlike certain other holidays, it doesn't celebrate people that have made a major difference in the world (like Veteran's day or MLK Jr. day).
Here are the major characteristics of a holiday:
1) People get the day off work, or at least get holiday pay. Not everybody is fortunate enough to get holidays off (for some reason hospitals still operate on Christmas), but for the most part, people are given some form of compensation for their work on those days.
2) People celebrate it. Not every day that you get off work is a holiday. Sometimes, you're just sick. Sometimes, you're just lazy. And sometimes, you're just unemployed. But if you're celebrating it, chances are, it's a holiday.
3) The food is different. If you're like me, and you celebrate being unemployed, you may need something else to qualify something as a holiday. Food does it for me. Think about it: when was the last time you celebrated a major holiday without some form of special baked good, grilled concoction, special beverage, or copious amounts of candy.
4) They have a special on your local news that interviews somebody related to the holiday. When was the last time you passed a Veteran's Day where they didn't feature a veteran on your local news? Or Martin Luther King Jr. Day without talking to a major civil rights leader?
In short, President's Day doesn't count. You can also cut out Labor Day,the birthdays of good ol' George and Abe, and Columbus day. Sidenote: really, we're going to celebrate a guy enslaved natives and then killed them with diseases? Doesn't that seem hypocritical after we celebrate Lincoln and MLK?
But since they're likely not going to do that (face it, the government will likely create more random holidays simply because they need a good excuse to not pay government employees), just remember: next time you go out to check your mail and there's nothing there, it's probably just a useless holiday - you're not that big of a loser.
Happy President's Day.
Feb 20, 2011
I hate video game media #1: Sarcasm/Filler
"The latest game console travel case from manufacturer GAEMS -- yes, it's really spelled like that, we promise -- is an unarguably slicker offering than the company's previous products. The pack has room for a 360, 360 S or PS3 Slim console, all the requisite cords and power bricks, a couple of controllers, speakers and a built-in LED monitor -- yet, despite its contents, the GAEMS case isn't the size of a small houseboat. We've only got one, inconceivably nerdy explanation: Bag of Holding. Like, it's gotta be, right?
The case will be released sometime in June for $300 -- though you can knock $20 off the price by pre-ordering before April 20. We wonder if we could pay an extra $20 to get a product that's spelled correctly.Sheeeesh."
- New Travel Case coming out in June
- Has an LCD Monitor builtin
- 300 dollars in june or 280 if you preorder
- works with xbox 360, xbox 360 S or PS3 Slim, NOT PS3 OLD MODELS (not mentioned in story so I will assume it doesn't work with it)
Feb 18, 2011
Dear Dave Ramsey: Should I buy a PS3
Feb 16, 2011
The view from the moral high ground
"But I have opinions about what you do things! What is this moral high ground and how may I get up on it?" -You
Feb 15, 2011
Speaking at different volumes
They would then respond with a loud, jovial "Just fine! How are you?"
"Fine thanks"
"OH! Cat got your tongue? Frog in your throat? Gone hoarse?" (What is it with using animals as scapegoats for our sicknesses?)
Now when two people are plotting or gossiping, they both tend to speak at the same, low volume, but when one person is whispering becuase they are sick, the other person has no reason to be quiet and must feel compelled to take up the slack.
For some reason, this was just very awkward to be a part of.
Feb 13, 2011
Watching People Play Videogames is My Favorite
Feb 9, 2011
Taking advantage of a terrible thing
One thing I just took major advantage of was my 2010 taxes.
This was my first year that my parents couldn't claim me as a dependent (which they did regardless of how much I actually depended on them) so this was my first real journey to the center of the Earth.
It took me like all day, and I hated it. Except for when my total refund increased.
They say every little bit helps, I must say that's true. For me it help me up to a decent sum of to-be-direct-deposited mula.
Man, I can't for for these 8-14 days to be over with.
What will I do with the new capital, you ask? Shopping spree? Bath in one-dollar bills? Get a mani-pedi?
Nah, I'll probably just save it. And maybe invest it in something. I'm s natural saver and nothing gets me giddier then sticking to a conservative budget with all bill being promptly paid, student loans being overly paid down, and watching the savings account stagger it's way upward.
I also enjoy working on my nestegg, but I'll save the stock market/IRA-type post for another day.
In conclusion, really try to stick it to Uncle Sam this year. Don't forget all those work-related expenses, business lunches, using your car for work-related purposes, that Energy-Star appliance you bought, the interest on your loans, charitable donations, and that blind Nicaraguan child you send comic books to each month. Oh, and remember, pets and stuffed animals that sleep in your bed are dependents, no matter what your neighbor might say.
Feb 8, 2011
If you hurt her, I will kill you
Fedora's Exciting Career
this post was breaking the site for some reason, reposted.
Although C Minus gets down on himself and his job (and offers others the chance to tear him down even further), I happen to know that when it comes to his true calling, he is amazing.
C-Boy also works with the youth of tomorrow.
No wait, that would be fetuses…Okay, he works with the youth of today who are the future of tomorrow.
Anyway, Mi-Man is a mentor, and an agent of change. That’s what life is actually about. Teaching and changing. This is sort of what I want to do, too. This is exactly why I don’t enjoy what I do now.
(This is also why C Minus and I are kindred spirits, and for all the crap I give him, I love him to death and can’t wait to co-adopt a Chinese baby with him). Mr. Cricket, on the other hand, is just a cog in the capitalist machine.)
Right now, I literally take people’s money in exchange for stuff that was never mine, then hand that money over to someone else, who hands it to someone else, who pays them a little of it, who then pays me a little of it. It’s a joke. But it’s also a job, which is necessary right now. Here’s where we come to the difference between a job, and a career. A job is something you do just to make money and get by. A career is something you want to devote your life’s energy towards, so it had better be meaningful to you.
My dream “meaningful to me” is providing case management and counseling to people in need of it, particularly those struggling against substance abuse. After a successful interview and a job offer this morning, I may finally be taking a step in the right direction, after just jobing since I graduated. (Have I really done nothing with my bachelor’s degree for 8 months?)
This career starter seems to hit all the marks I was hoping for.
*In my field (Uses my degree.)
*Entry level, learn as I go (Don’t want to be overwhelmed.)
*Willing to work around my current job for now (I’m starting part time, and still need this insurance from Retailer, Inc.)
*Willing to work with me while in grad school (I start in the fall, so exciting.)
*Lots of room for moving up (Bossman says he’s excited to have me as a resource and will be giving me more responsibility with experience and education.)
*Pays more then I make now. (Shouldn’t be important, but it is.)
Now the only thing left is if I actually like the “this is a very challenging job, can you handle yadda yadda yadda…” job once I start…Did I make the right decision? Have the last 5 years been a complete waste? Just how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsiepop? The Fedora may soon know.
Feb 7, 2011
Watching Spartacus makes me feel like a man

Watching episode 3 of Sparticus via Netflix streaming. I initially clicked on it because the box cover was all like GRRRRR! and I was all like "why's Kevin Federline so clean and angry?" After 2 episodes of Spartacus I have found there are many reasons why Kevin Federline is angry and the show is built around him working out that anger.

Feb 6, 2011
Reasons I don't want to get up tomorrow

Feb 5, 2011
Feb 3, 2011
I forgot to eat dinner last night
Feb 2, 2011
Fable 3: The Gamiest Game that Ever Gamed

Feb 1, 2011
Finally a person I want to be like when I grow up
Still Alive!
I am back from the dead. There were some things I had to sort out, like some pens, but I'm done with that now and ready to blog.
First things first:
I like you guys. We should hang out more often.
Second thing:
There is no dancing in China! However, karaoke & prostitutes have done their part to help.
It took me 5 hours to write this and I feel a part of me has died. All my brain can do is just sit and stare at the screen. I think I need medication for this because I can't stand always being anxious and distracted. If I don't write anything, C Minus gets upset at me, but if I do write something, it sucks and I always hate it. I can't win.
Is it weird to have emotional breakdowns a few times a week?
I love curling.
Jocks will tell you "Football is a game of inches".
I'll tell you "Bullcocks, football is a game of yards and even I know that. Curling is truly a game of inches. Inches, and screaming.
Here's how it works:
A team of 4 people with zero age-range restrictions take turns throwing a hunk of granite (called Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson) downs some ice. And by "throw" I mean "slide". Then two of the other teamies sweep the ice in front of it to make it go farther as needed. The rock will also curve, or "curl" (ah-ha!) on it's way in, making for stunning maneuvers around blockages. They want to get the rocks inside the house, which is a big bull's-eye to score. Whichever team can get "shot-rock" (the rock closest to the "button" (the center)) can score. They get as many points as they have rocks inside the house, closer the in the opponents closest rock. And if they get a rock in the center of the button, a genie will appear and grant the "skip" (that's the team-leader, and the person who throws the last rock, called the "hammer") three wishes. This then goes on for 10 ends, and lasts about 2hours.
It may sound boring, but there is just something mesmerizing about watching the rock glide across the crystaline ice, then clunk onto another rock and see them both fly away.
Or maybe I just enjoy seeing one man scream "HARD! HARD!" over and over again at two guys jerking their brooms as fast as they can. (See, Curling Terminology)
I write this post now, not as an anti-post for the up-coming Super Bowl, but becuase I finally forgot enough about the Olympic results to watch those games.
During the Olympics, I recorded EVERY curling match that NBC was showing, but I never really got to watch them live becuase I wasn't home then. I did, however, catch the results which meant I didn't want to watch the matches right away. So recently, I finally got tired of 48hours worth of curling burning a 147GB hole in my hardrive, and started to watch USA lose. Sure, I basically remember that Team USA stunk it up, but in the cold of the moment, the recordings seem live, and my cheers are legit.