Oct 22, 2010

5 Reasons Why Overtime Sucks

Due to coworker sickness and new business I've been working more lately, ENJOY THIS LIST OF REASONS WHY IT IS KILLING ME FROM THE INSIDE OUT!

1- I think the second shift employees are going to molest me.
They are not used to seeing someone of my long hair, pleasant smell, and disease free genitalia.

2- I make overtime pay.
I make time and a half for every hour over 40, BUT that just pisses me off about the first 40 hours I worked for less than the company is willing to pay me. I am reasonably compensated for what I actually do, but I am far under funded for what I put up with.

3- I am an easy target.
With me tied up with actual work to do, I am not available to defend myself from the steady stream of crap that is thrown in my general direction. As I limped into work Monday (an hour and a half before my shift really started, limping because I rage ran the previous night), a supervisor sees me from across the parking lot and screams "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU (regarding the limp)?" A well rested C Minus would have had a verbal response that would have sent the supervisor under the conservative rock he came out from. But in a 60+ hour week my verbal skills are reduced so I only responded "THIS IS NOT AN ATTENTION SEEKING BEHAVIOR. PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE."

4- Lots of time with COWORKER
I spoke of the work wives earlier this week, mainly as a way to remind myself that I am loved to prevent me from committing work suicide. I have other work family members, and COWORKER comes from the Disney's Cinderella version of COWORKER where they are pretty much unredeemable. Well I'm stuck with her this week for more than 80% of my waking hours. The time has gotten me to hate her less, but I don't want to not hate her, hating her allows me to process her as a person without actually thinking about her.

In a normal week I would sometimes mentally ask myself: Why would step mother do/say/smell like that?
And during that normal week the answer would be: Who cares, you hate her and she is doing/saying/smelling like that so you have things to mock her for.
But in this special week I'm all menstruating and being like; Maybe there is a root cause to her doing/saying/smelling and I should explore her issues and get to know her as a COWORKER during this 65 hour work week.

5- I am going to be reprimanded for my performance as soon things slow down
Instead of seeing the struggle and being like, wow the system created C Minus and others in his position is not functioning correctly the lesson is wow C Minus and his coworker do not hold a candle to the missing employee, let us wait until she gets back so that we can write them all up for the amount of overtime we have to pay them and the fact they don't work as well as they did when we had another person in the department to help with the workload.

Ok I'm done for now. Its been a 12 hour day of work and I have to go in on Saturday. Enjoy your weekend then comment and tell me all the non-work related things you did so that I may live through your Internet lies vicariously.


  1. concert and cuddle with my roommate's dog. and it's only friday night/saturday morning.

    you asked.
