Oct 28, 2010

Management Material- Small Talk

Episode 1: The Stance

Second verse same as the first...


- We really need a camera person and consistent lighting. The living room part is so obviously just 1 of us that it is kind of hard to watch. My goal with these was to get back to the basics of simple longer shots and pacing, but because I have to work around camera placement it looks choppier than the holiday videos.

- I wrote this in about 20 minutes and most of the funny stuff was only funny on the page. My costar had a really hard time with his lines because they are from the voice in my head instead of his voice. Instead of reworking them or helping him we just kept doing it over until he got it, which is why his longer stuff sounds rushed. In the first one he was over my shoulder making things he would say sound more like things he would say... although there was a lot of "shut up" in the first one.

- Every time I played or edited the phone ringer I would reach for my phone in real life. I just watched the video as I typed the previous thought and I reached for the phone. Also there was a Tommy Wiseau sound effect put in when the bag dropped but it was distracting.

- A manager at my job referred to hanukkah as "Jew-vember" today. I just google searched the word hanukkah to make sure I was spelling it correctly, turns out I wasn't.

- I was really exhausted from work and costar was fighting off a stomach flu, we pretty much just kept our heads down and plowed through it as quick as possible. My mom had just got home from church and ate before I interrupted her with the video stuff. I wanted her in this partially because I felt bad about saying she was dead 3 times in the first episode, and I find her funny. She did it the way she does things, sloppily but in an endearing way. She did chug a large glass of wine in one gulp before we were starting to film. Not sure if that is why she was smiling during the sequence or if losing control of your face is part of the aging process. I love you mother.

- I edited this while a friend came over, I didn't pay attention to a word he said the entire evening.

- This was supposed to be done last week but I had to work late and bailed on costar, I think it's the first time I've ever canceled on my end aside from going to the bar, which I cancel all the time because I hate the bar. I'm not sure if costar was pissed or just lazy because he didn't get back to me for a bit. I thought of rewriting and having a new person help me with being a manager every episode. SLEEPY CRICKET was in town this weekend and made it work story wise, but after SLEEPY CRICKET and costar I am out of friends so the series would have to end there. And this was something special for me and costar, not as special as TOUCH OF THE DOWNS but made for us by us; kind of like fubu but instead of getting stabbed for wearing it we just get ignored for producing it.

- Work-Step-Mom and manager came in at same time this morning and took off jackets in same way at the same time. I watched this and said "that was cute, did you rehearse that on the way to work this morning?" which was a slight implication that they were having an affair and that I hate them (everything is an implication that I hate them). Step-Mom loved it, Manager got all tea party about it until he found someone to blame for something. He's always cranky in the morning until he blames someone for something.

- I really like the concepts of my videos better than the execution. I feel like everything I have ever made is a rough draft, but instead of making the corrections I just hand it back in as final copy, red pen corrections and all.

- I was shifting through the old cartoon stuff to use as a filler post (at this point its too terrible to let you see, but my standards are dropping quickly so expect it next week) and realized that I've totally done this idea 3 or 4 times already. Oh well, each attempt is just a step on the long road to watchability.

- One of my work wives got a new job, she will be leaving my life soon. I used the term "friendivorce" in a poor attempt to get someone totally different to feel bad today, but I think it actually applies to what my work wife and I are going through right now.

- I think I have more to say tonight but it's late and I give up.


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