Oct 15, 2010

Management Material- The Stance

I will be just giving random thoughts about this video and other stuff so don't read this if you value your time.

- Yeah I'm still making videos. I used to be a lot more ferocious about it but I have since developed something of an actual life and the passion has faded a bit.

- Video is kind of self explanatory, idea came to me at work and I wrote down about 10 business tips that Eric could help me out with. Hopefully we will do a couple more of these, I would like them to string right after another but we will do what we can do. We really needed a camera man for this, and I need to stop converting 1080i footage to 720p because it makes the whole thing look blurry. Also I need to find a way to keep track of the focus on a camera when I am in the frame. Also I need to learn how to act.

- During the brief time that I tried to perform the opening in front of people on chat roulette I came across 4 or 5 people pleasuring themselves, and that's not even counting my costar who was in the room with me.

- I wish I had someone that could represent my interests in front of or behind the camera for these things. I'm pretty good at either but kind of terrible doing both. When I did videos for my church there was a youth who could consistently hit the blend of innocence and longing that is what I like to see, he's in college now and too cool for me. My costar in this is good at projecting and showing arrogance and SLEEPY CRICKET was good at being whatever autistic-hipster mix he is in real life.

- I watched the video at least 5 times before uploading it, I didn't realize I repeated one of Eric's lines until it was on the Internet. Oh well, its almost funny enough to seem intentional.

- The facebook update that flashed on the screen took about 10 minutes to put up. I can't figure out facebook's privacy settings and was afraid that other people would see whatever sick stuff I put up. Even with just setting the privacy to my costar, I felt the urge to hurry up and delete the post after I took the screen shot. I was pleasantly surprised that my partner in SPLICE was visible directly under my post with a similarly themed status. Stay strong friend, remember that when life hands you a hybrid human animal you raise it as a daughter and then somehow have intercourse with it.

-The workwife was supposed to shoot some cutaways of me being at work, she got busy or was on her cycle or something. I think the video worked without it and I probably would have gotten us both fired if we went through with it.

-I shut the heater off to reduce ambient noise, but I forgot to shut the fan off so instead of being quiet it was just cold.

-This was actually scripted, I think the first thing I actually wrote down lines for since the UNTITLED MOVIE PROJECT THAT I WILL NO LONGER BE BITTER ABOUT

-I think selling and business topics have the potential to be the funniest stuff in the world so it makes me mad when shows like the office do crazy simpson's stuff. Or that awful movie "The Goods" why couldn't that just be about a liquidation of a car lot? You could make it interesting but no here's a bunch of one off garabage that makes no sense.

Ok that's all the random thoughts you get for today.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, you should make that face whenever you're talking to strangers. It's a great way to scare off all of the people not worth being friends with.

    Second of all, I love that you called Sleepy Cricket an autistic-hipster mix.

    Finally, hybrid humans have been banned from my life. I learned my lesson from the mistakes of others.
