I had a really nice idea for a blog post today, and my backup was just going to make a cartoon of the following instant messenger conversation between me and one of my cartoon wives. But then I had to work late so I pulled the old cut and paste. Despite my laziness, I hope young men look to this chat log as an example on how to greet your lady and make her feel special:
C Minus/Su... good morning
C Minus/S... I may just cut and paste our conversation today as a blogpost
C Minus/S... why are you sad on facebook
Rebecca Cunningham/S... well, I am getting a tattoo
Rebecca Cunningham/S... and my guy was sick last night
Rebecca Cunningham/S... so I have to wait.
C Minus/S... no
C Minus/S... NO
C Minus/S... what are you getting?
C Minus/S... gross
Rebecca Cunningham/S... I’m sorry you disapprove
Rebecca Cunningham/S... it's a dandelion that is blowing in the wind and the seeds gradually turn into birds
Rebecca Cunningham/S... it will be on my foot.
C Minus/S... did you even think of me before doing this?
C Minus/S... you know I'm into feet
Rebecca Cunningham/S... you are?
C Minus/S... not any more since you are getting a children's picture book sketched on yours
Rebecca Cunningham/S... it's going to be really cool.
Rebecca Cunningham/S... and you'll like it
C Minus/S... worst-case scenario. it turns me off feet forever
C Minus/S... best case scenario: dandelion’s get me hot from now on
Hope you enjoyed just a small portion of Rebecca and my conversation, believe you me we could go back and forth back and forth back and forth like this forever. It's late and I worked a 15 hour day so I'm going to treat myself to a bowel movement and then go to sleep!