Jan 4, 2011

SPINSTER sees someone she hasn't seen in a while

Oh my gosh I can't believe you are here! I was so worried about you. So worried. I can't tell you enough how much your presence here affects me. You have affected me so much because I was worried about you. My feelings were of worry and concern. But you are here and slowly my worry will turn into favorable feelings of welcomeness.

I am rambling, because as I said I was worried. But how are you? I want you- to tell me- how you are doing so that I may become aware of what is going on. I can't wait until I can tell everyone I know that I saw you here today. What a plan God has for me, seeing you here. After all this time. I would have really liked to have heard from you.

We could have done something together, you know what I say to heck with it we still can. Let me tell you what has been going on with me and maybe we can look at my schedule and see when you fit in.

So last month I was in a meeting at work. Did I tell you that I've been working at a workplace? Been so for all of my life during the time that's not dedicated to gossip.... actually those times overlap each other. But anyway I was in a meeting and C-Minus was all like "do you like stuff" and I was like OMGCHRONICLESOFNARNIA3IN3D and then I got 4 days off to watch the series and buy the books. Can you believe it? Can you believe the things that I have just told you about me? I know!

But anyways it was great to have you see me. I can't believe I get to tell everyone at work that you saw me. How exciting! Did you see those pictures of my cat in the Christmas sweater that I gave him out of the goodness of my heart? A lot of people would say, "why would you get a cat a sweater" but then I say "my cat is my child and I will give him things until he understands how important I am to his survival and entertainment."

What's that? You need to leave me? I understand, coincidently I need to leave you even sooner than you need to leave me. I really enjoyed you getting to have a chat with me.

I will see you when it is convientent for me and less convient for you to do so!

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